Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This time it's Nick's fault

Usually I blame our sicknesses on the kids and the nasty germs they bring home from school.

But this time, it's Nick's fault. I don't know where he got the icky germs from, but he brought them home and shared them with me (so sweet!). Nick has been sick for going on a week now. What started as a cold (a bad cold) has lingered, and we're now thinking it might be more than a cold (like a lovely sinus infection).

So, I've been feeling pretty rotten for the past few days. And this morning I'm feeling soooo rotten that I'm now cursing my husband for bringing home this germ.

I'm beginning to think we should all live in bubbles this time of year...


Carrie Hewitt said...

Yuck! I hope you feel better soon....I always say that I get sick because I was taking my good health for granted! It puts me in check..thats for sure. Hopefully you will be up and at it in no time!

Lisa said...

Oh yuck. Bad Nick! We've all been battling something ever since school started again. It sucks! Feel better!!!!

Linda said...

Awwww..... hope you're feeling better now!