Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A shower, marriage, and preschool

I've spent the past 6+ months living in a house with no shower. We have one bathroom, and it has a beautiful blue bathtub, but no shower to go along with it. And I'm not a bath-kinda girl, generally.

So, last week, my husband installed a shower in our bathroom... and I am beyond thrilled with it!

It's not the prettiest thing. And anyone taller than me (at 5-ft nothing!) would have trouble fitting underneath the spray of water... but, for me, it's positively perfect!! I have been thoroughly enjoying showers again!

Oh, and whaddya know? I AM married!! My marriage license arrived in the mail yesterday, and it states that Nickolas and I ARE really husband and wife (the lady at the DMV was starting to make me doubt it).

I'm thrilled to know that I am actually married... not so thrilled that I have to spend another day at the DMV now that I can prove it.

And, finally, tonight is "Open House" at Avery's school. She's very excited and has already asked me 23 times this morning if it's time to go to her school yet. Clearly, Avery is ready for preschool... I hope preschool is ready for Avery!


A Little Of A Lot said...

So how was the open House ? Reagan goes in tomorrow to meet her teacher and is beyond excited.

Marly said...

Congratulations all around! :)

jeaniesworld said...

thats a big yay!

Michelle said...

Way to go Nick! I think it looks great!

Lisa said...

Oh what a precious picture of Avery! Congrats on getting the marriage license and a shower. WOO HOO! I also have to add that I love how Nick spells his name!