Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Procrastination at its finest

I have a massive work project sitting in front of me right now... one that I honestly don't think I'll survive (even though I begged for, and was granted, an extension!).

Yet, I'm sitting here doing everything BUT working.

I'm thinking about all the books I want to read... all the books I want to order from Amazon (if only I had unlimited funds to spend on books... and unlimited time with which to READ them!).

I'm thinking about scrapbooking... and the fact that I can't remember the last time I sat at my scrapping table and created something. I'm having some serious withdrawals from all things crafty. I'm thinking about all of the fun, new scrapping goodies that I'd love to buy (if only I had unlimited funds to spend on scrapbooking!).

I'm thinking about the fact that I only have 4 more glorious, kid-free hours left in my day... and wondering why the school day is so darn short!

I'm thinking about my blog... and that horrendous blog header featuring pics of my family in the POOL (when it's currently 30 degrees and snowing in my part of the world). I'm thinking I need
to do something about that one of these days...

I'm thinking it's 10am and the mailman should have been here by now. I'm thinking the mailman should make my day by bringing me a paycheck or two this morning (and I'm wondering if I dare "steal" some of that money to buy books... or scrapping goodies!).

And I'm even thinking about coffee. Yes, coffee. I love my morning coffee (which usually turns into afternoon and early evening coffee)... but I've yet to master the art of coffee-making. Maybe it's because I buy cheap Folger's coffee; maybe I haven't found the perfect combination of sugar and creamer (or the perfect flavor of creamer!); maybe I really don't like coffee as much as I like to think I do...

Can someone please tell me what's wrong with me? Is there a pill I can take for this? Surely there's a pill...

ETA: The mailman hates me. Hmpf.


Ellen said...

You have to try 'Italian Sweet Cream' creamer, it has made me an even bigger fan of coffee.(if that's even possible!!)

Trish said...

I can't even see your header, not sure why. All your text is centered as well. It's wierd!

Anonymous said...

Think of the header as a way to make you forget the winter blues - you planned it that way, you are not behind.
As far as your other issues it is called ADD & there is a pill for it.
Good luck, I'll trade you my husband & screaming child for your book project.

Bridget =) said...

Hey Erin!
well, i cleaned off my sb table, and i am READY to dive back into it!!! Its been since SUMMER since Ive scrapped... let's get going! =) Happy New Year!!!