Saturday, January 10, 2009

Made a few changes...

to my favorite blog, finally!

Last night, I made a new blog header and gave myself a new name. (I still need to play around and tweak the size of the header, I think... but at 3am this morning, I wasn't too concerned with that.) I also wrote a little blurb about my new name, but had to move the "About Me" section further down on the sidebar, so you have to search for it!

I had the "About Me" section up at the top of the sidebar, but found it really distracting to have that massive block of text right next to my latest blog entry... the font sizes are the same (or very close), so those two blocks of text together were hurting my head!

I looked and looked in my template (I still use the "old" style of Blogger) for the html coding that would let me change the font size in the profile blurb... but it escaped me. If anyone has a clue what I'm talking about, I welcome suggestions/tips!

For those of you who read via a feed (ha!), visit my actual blog and let me know what you think of the changes! And for those of you who use Firefox or a Mac and never see anything fun on my blog, here's an image of my new header (courtesy of Shabby Princess Designs, because I'm basically a lazy slug!)... I'll even be nice and copy my "About Me" blurb here for you. You're welcome!

The new title of my blog pretty much says it all... I'm a little bit crazy and happy pills get me through each day. I spend most of my time cursing authors who don't use commas correctly (and I really am crazy about serial commas). And, first and foremost, I'm a proud momma to two devilish angels who make my life worth living. I'm also a very lucky wife (but that didn't fit in my cute title). I love my blog; it's my therapy at the end of a long day. It's also my favorite way to procrastinate when a pesky work deadline is rapidly approaching!

And now, I'm returning to those pesky commas...


Carrie Hewitt said...

Very cute header Erin! You are too good! I like the new name too, but now I am paranoid about my commas when I write you....yikes!

Ellen said...

Love the new header! Jealous that I'm not gifted enough to figure out how to make one of my own. Guess using premade backgrounds will have to suffice.