Friday, December 26, 2008

Another birthday

My baby girl is *sniff, sniff* FIVE years old today!

I've been scratching my head all day wondering how it's possible that it's been five years since the night she was born... it really does seem like it was just yesterday.

Everyone always says, "ohh, poor Avery... what a terrible birthday, the day after Christmas." But, she doesn't seem to mind one bit!

We had a pretty calm, quiet day, but it suited her (and her mommy!) just fine. I told Avery I wanted to take her shopping today, so that she could pick out her own birthday goodies. And I let her choose the store... wherever she wanted to go. God bless this child... she chose The Dollar Tree! lol

So, we had Chinese buffet for lunch (also the birthday girl's choice) and then we headed to The Dollar Tree. Avery loaded up a cart with everything her little heart desired... and even let her brother throw in a few things, too... and it cost a whoppin' $36. Gotta love that!

All day, Avery kept telling me that she wasn't five yet because she hadn't blown out her candles. Unfortunately, when the time came, I couldn't find the box of birthday candles that I KNOW are floating around my kitchen somewhere... so she had to settle for one giant candle stuck in the middle of her cake. She assured me it was okay... and after she blew out her one lone candle, she was officially five!

The balloon and the shirt (it says "Drama Queen) pretty much say it all! :)
And here are some of her new birthday jammies from Gram... a little big, but she'll grow into them.
Happy Birthday, Princess Avery!


Carrie Hewitt said...

Oh! Happy Birthday Avery! I hope you had a great day. Your cake looked so yummy...I wish I had a big slice of it right now!

Anonymous said...


Trish said...

Happy Birthday sweet sweet avery. I love you so very much and can't wai to hug you!

Grampy said...

Great photos Mom! -- can't wait to see you guys next week! xxoo