Monday, November 10, 2008


For a moment, I'm feeling relieved... for the first time in over a week.

I finally got caught up on a batch of work that was due last week... that I fell VERY behind on due to everyone's illnesses (including my own). My next job is going to allow for sick days, I swear!

So, it's done... finally. Whew!

Now... onto the next project that I had to push aside to get caught up on THAT. Love that domino effect! I have a book project that's due in one week. I have to complete at least two chapters a day for the next 7 days if I have any hope of finishing this by the deadline.

WHAT, do you suppose, are the chances of that happening??

Right now, however, I'm allowing myself to feel relieved (and it feels wonderful!). There will be plenty of time for me to stress over this next project... starting tomorrow.


Jennifer said...

I'll give you today but then get to WORK! ;)

Lisa said...

Relief is a beautiful thing. I agree - your next job needs sick days. It has to suck to be sick in the first place, then have to play catch up. ((((( hugs )))))