Sunday, October 19, 2008


Tonight, after Avery's bath, I found some snuggly jammies for her to put on (because it's been c-c-c-c-cold here at night lately!). And I can never resist giving her a big ole hug when she has on snuggly jammies... even better when she has on snuggly jammies and still smells like baby shampoo from her bath!

So, I scooped her up and held her in a big hug for a few minutes. I don't even remember what she was babbling about (it's always something), but she kept laughing. And holding her that close to me and FEELING her laughter against my chest was probably the sweetest thing that's happened to me in a long time.

After a few minutes of this, she said, "Mommy, why are you hugging me?" I replied, "Because I love you." She laughed against my chest again, hugged me back, then screamed, "Okay, okay, now LET ME DOWN!"

I know for a fact that my days of snuggly hugs (especially the kind where I can pick her up off the ground and hold her to my chest) are numbered.

I look at Damon now, and all his almost-8-year-old hugeness, and want to cry... because I can't pick him up and snuggle him anymore. I wish I had known the last time I snuggled him against my chest that it would be my last opportunity... so that I could have enjoyed it for just one moment longer.

I love that my kids are growing up and needing me less. And I hate that they're growing up and needing me less... and that I'm running out of time for snuggly hugs and laughter against my chest.


Kat's Credence said...

Thank you for the reminder not to take that for granted!

Carrie Hewitt said...

I can truly understand how that must feel. I am soaking it all in these days because I will be in your position much sooner than I expect!

Lisa said...

Aww, stop making me so melancholy! Seriously, that is just so wonderful that you had that "aha" moment while you were hugging Avery. Snuggly hugs are still so awesome and I try to still get them from my boys whenever I can.

Grampy said...

Awwww!! That's so sweet.