Thursday, July 10, 2008


I've had so many "blog ideas" in the past two days... and obviously I was on a bloggin' roll earlier this week! But I've had to force myself to stay away from Blogger because I have a HUGE work deadline tomorrow. Yuck.

I'm editing my first medical book (rather than the journal articles that I usually work on)... 12 chapters, plus front matter, Problem Sets for each chapter, and a huge section full of "answers" to those problems. Ohhhh, it's thrilling stuff!

And, even though I've been working my a$$ off for the past few days, I've only gotten through Chapter 4 (hence the "wahhhhhhh!").

I had really hoped to at least get through the first half of the book by tomorrow morning. But, well, it just isn't gonna happen.

I have a screaming headache, even the words that I'm typing here now are blurring together, and my fingers may be permanently bent (as in curled around the keyboard?). I also have so many medical abbreviations and their definitions swimming around in my head that I'm sure I'm losing other vital knowledge -- like my name, birthdate, social security number, etc. (But thank God I know that LR stands for likelihood ratio and PSA for prostate-specific antigen... that will be really helpful tomorrow when I attempt to log-in to my online banking.)

In my defense (because of course I'm feeling like I need one right now), I've only had one week to get this project done... and it's all new for me, this book-editing nonsense (it's surprisingly insanely different from journal editing!). So I'm hoping the project manager will realize that when he receives less than half of the book tomorrow.

This will be Nick's first full weekend home with us in a very long time (yay!), and I'm beyond thrilled that I'll get to spend it working 'round the clock on this Godforsaken book (boo!). Although, on the bright side, I'm grateful that Nick will be here on kid and dog duty for 63 hours!

Just one more time: wahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Now, I'm taking my whining butt to bed (if I can unglue myself from this desk chair), so I can start all over again in about 6 hours. *groan*


Ellen said...

Let me know if you need help with any of those abbreviations. I'll do anything to get out of reading another chapter for my research class.

ErinRagan said...

lol. Thanks, Ellie!

But I've got Dorland's and Stedman's and the fabulous Internet... they help when I'm stuck or my brain fails me!

Have fun reading!