Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Test for Carrie

Did it work??

Don't wanna totally waste the post, so here's a pic!

Warning: It's a bit frightening...

Don't envy me. Not every girl is lucky enough to wake up to that face every morning!

(Witschey, I TOLD you I would post it... that's what you get for refusing to smile pretty for my camera. *pout*)

(One of these days I'll have him trained... if it's the last thing I do.)


A Little Of A Lot said...

Every picture I've seen of him, he has his tongue hanging out.

ErinRagan said...

Yes, Penny... in the majority of pics I have of the man, his tongue is hanging out. It's his rebellion against my camera. Sigh.

I DO have a few "normal" pics of Nick... I'll have to find some for you, so you can see what he looks like (I would hate for THAT image to be the only one you conjure up when you hear his name! lol).

Duckman said...

Yes my tongue is my way of rebelling against a camera. Since a young age I've hated having my picture taken so when I realized there was no way to avoid it, I turned it into a game. Let's see how many people want a picture of my tongue. LOL!