Tuesday, July 01, 2008

She knows she's cute!

My Avery. She's too much, I swear.

I grabbed the camera (with a nearly dead battery that's just barely hangin' on!) today in an attempt to take pics of Avery's hair. Her hair is growing like a weed lately!! But the diva couldn't quit posing... and I never did get a good hair shot. In most of these pics, it looks like a shaggy mop.

Avery and I have had a nice, quiet Girls-Only day today. Nick went back to work this morning, and Damon decided he wanted to ride along with Dad.

It's amazing how peaceful my house is with just ONE child versus two. I haven't had to raise my voice all day, and I've even gotten a good bit of work done. Avery is really very calm and GOOD when her big brother isn't around. Of course, the same can probably be said for him when Avery isn't around! (Why did I have two children again?!?!)

1 comment:

Granny aka Memaw said...

Such a little princess! Looks JUST like her lovely mother at that age -- and even has some of ole Granny in her smile!