Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just call me Martha

I don't know what's gotten into me lately. I'm still working on that darn laundry pile... and I promise it's getting smaller every day.

And today I spent hours in my kitchen, of all places. (For those of you who don't know me very well, the kitchen is NOT my favorite place to be.)

I boiled eggs... lotsa eggs. I made egg salad AND deviled eggs (my first attempt ever at those; my friend Sarah was appalled to learn that I've never made deviled eggs... I didn't realize that was such a big deal, but now I've done it, Whew!)... and also made a pitcher of Kool-Aid for the kids and a pitcher of sweet tea for Nick and me.

AND, after all of that fun, I cleaned the entire kitchen... washed every last dirty dish in the house and scrubbed down the counters and appliances. (I even washed and dried my sink... FlyLady would be proud!)

I even considered making a huge, early dinner... for Nick to enjoy before he has to go back to work this evening. But, I decided not to overdo it (I was really beginning to worry about myself!). So, I'm saving his big dinner for tomorrow, when he has the day off and I won't have to worry about the clock ticking too quickly!

Now, I'm working. Well, I'm blogging RIGHT now, obviously, but quickly during a little break from work...

I've been far too productive already for one measly Saturday. I might have to sit and do nothing this evening, huh??


Grampy said...

Wow! . . . That was so inspirational that I changed my sheets and did TWO loads of laundry!

Carrie Hewitt said...

Sounds like you are in the kitchen about as much as I am......I am going to send you some of my easy recipes I have been collecting here lately.....if you cook like I do, then you will appreciate them, and Tim says they are pretty good!