Queen Lizzie is something else. If you're not fortunate enough to be in her Top 4 (that would be Nick, Damon, Avery, and me, in case you're wondering) and you've ever met Liz, you probably think she's 110% evil and you've secretly nicknamed her Cujo. And I know that no one believes me when I come to her defense and say, "but really... she's sweet when it's just us around!" But she is. Really (stop shaking your head and calling me a liar!).
Comet the Moose is big, dumb, friendly, and gorgeous... there's no denying that. But I have a special place in my heart for Lizzie, my 14-pound attack dog. There's no doubt in my mind that if someone ever tried to hurt me or my children, Lizzie would protect us with everything she's got. Comet, on the other hand, would lick them to death. He is 75 pounds of worthlessness.
Plus, well... Lizzie was here first, gosh darn it! Sometimes I feel so sorry for her when dumb Comet is dragging her around by her neck... I stop and think, "Poor Liz. She had such a nice, peaceful existence here before HE came along to make her life a living Hell." I'm pretty sure that, somewhere in her pea-sized brain, she's having similar thoughts.
So, without further ado, here are a few pics that I took recently of Lizzie the Evil Min Pin (that's what Avery calls her... isn't that cute? lol).

Lizzie IS an evil annoyance to infrequent visitors -- but quickly grows used to the presence of intruders. . . And she is a VERY good looking companion animule! . . . Great name, Emma!
Look at Erin and her photo composition. Nice job!! Bridget just informed me that Lizzie is her new doggy. I told her we already have enough evil from our dog to go around.
What the Hell is "photo composition?!?!?" lolol
I just take pics, Kelly. I don't even pretend to have a clue WHAT I'm doing.
Forget photo composition (just an essay on "Why I take lousy pictures"), what's this CRAP about "comment moderation." Sounds like a fascist plot to deny me the right to croak like a frog on das blog. . . censorship in any form is sinsership!
...You MAY just have to do without opining from moi. These times call for drastic, unselfish acts of civil disobedience...blah...blah...blah
Oh, for Pete's sake, Grampy!
Please, comment away... moderation has been disabled.
I think I like grampy LOL
Oops! Maybe I overreacted to "comment (or was that Comet?) moderation." You probably SHOULD filter MOST comments -- just not MINE (I should be "grandfathered" in.). . . And, since Kelly seems to be such a mature, trustworthy person -- and such a good judge of character, she also should have a free pass.
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