Saturday, August 25, 2007

Suffering from Post-Mom's Night Out Syndrome

Last night was sooooooo much fun! Eleven wonderful women, ummy yummy food (I had Chicken Chesapeake, mmmm!), birthday cake, alcoholic beverages, tons of laughs, AND karaoke... what more can a stressed out mom in major need of some "down time" ask for??

But, today, I'm mega-depressed. Go figure. It's so nice to get out and let loose a little... and one would THINK that having a night out would leave me feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the kids, house, dogs, work, etc. again. But it really seems to have the opposite effect on me, sadly enough.

All day I've been looking at pics from last night and chatting with my mom friends about the fun time we had, and I'm so sad because I want to be back there NOW... every night, in fact. lol

(Okay, maybe not EVERY night.)

Mom's Night Out is a little teeny taste of freedom... a reminder of what my social life was like in the days pre-Damon and Avery. And, I'd be lying if I told you that I don't miss those days every now and then. But, lucky for me, the next Mom's Night Out will roll around again before I know it! And I'm already ready! :)

Here's a group shot from last night. Aren't we pretty?

And, I even got up and sang karaoke. It was fun, although I'm sure I sounded dreadful... but I'm always happy to entertain. lol

1 comment:

meliss said...

I'm disappointed you didn't share the video clip! You were awesome!

Can't wait for the next MNO!