Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Their First Barbershop Experience

We took Damon to the barbershop to have his hair cut, for the first time ever, today. He's 5.5 years old, so yes, he's had a haircut before... but that usually consists of Daddy using his set of clippers and giving Damon the good ole "buzz cut." Personally, I'm sick of that look, and was ready for Damon to have a "little boy haircut."

So, today the whole fan-damily took off for the neighborhood barbershop. While we were there, I realized that Avery could use a cut, too. I haven't been able to see that child's gorgeous blue eyes in months. And ponytails are not cuttin' it... she rips them out about five seconds after I painfully put them on top of her head, so enough's enough already.

They both cooperated beautifully "in the chair." (Are you sure these are MY children, who never cooperate for anything?!?!? hmmmm....)

Here are the end results:

I'm loving Avery's new "do." Her little bangs are "feathery" and she even donned some hairspray today, for the first time in her life. She's just precious, don't you think?? :)

Damon's new look, I'm not quite sure about. I think he looks like he's about 10 years old now, instead of 5... and that makes me want to cry. He's still my "baby," after all. AND, I'm just not sold on this "look" for him. We told the barber to give him a "boy haircut," and this is what we got... I'm digging the back and the sides, but that front, choppy look, I just don't care for with all my heart. I'm thinking we need a better description to give to our barber friend the next time... any suggestions?? (Oh, and can you tell how enthusiastic he was about Mom putting the camera in front of his face? He's such a dear!)

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