Friday, March 03, 2006

A Blustery Day at the Beach

This is what happens when I try to be a "fun Mom."
It was actually a NICE day in February... the temps were in the 70s, so I took the kids out and about. We went to McDonald's and tried to have a picnic on the beach.
However, a 70-degree day in February is NOT so nice on the beach, we soon found out.
It was freezing, the wind was howling. We lasted about 3 minutes... just long enough for me to snap these pictures. Then we headed to an in-land park and finished our picnic there!
It was a nice "thought," anyway!!!

1 comment:

Chaotic Mom said...

I'm up in PA, and it's VERY blistery here today! Temp says 35, but the wind alone almost froze my fingers off. I'd take your 70's ANYTIME. My kids would, too. :)