Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Stay Tuned!

I have lots more to share about the rest of our Thanksgiving weekend (that wouldn't end!). I also have a million and one pictures of Nick and his siblings and especially of the three "babies" on his side of the family--our two munchkins and our niece, Hailey.

We were so grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Nick's brother AND sister... it doesn't happen often, unless someone's getting married (and since they're all married now, I guess we can't count on that to bring us together again anytime soon).

Anyway, I have lots and lots to share... but I also have a horribly wicked cold/cough/sore throat that my husband was kind enough to pass to me this weekend. He's been sick for over a week and I really hoped that it would skip over me, but I'm never that lucky!

So, between being sick and trying to work and getting everyone back into the swing of things around here after the holiday weekend, I'll have to fit in picture uploading and blogging another day. Right now my head is screaming for its pillow... I've been ignoring the screams since 9 o'clock this morning, so I think it's time to finally surrender!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

(((((((((( hugs )))))))))