Thursday, August 14, 2008

Date Night Report

Nick and I had such a great time last night!

The wings were finger-lickin' good... Nick got good ole hot wings, of course. And I almost peed myself when I saw on the menu that one of their "flavors" was Old Bay. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought to season wings with Old Bay... but I knew I had to have them! As soon as the basket o' wings was placed in front of me, I inhaled deeply and was suddenly back on the Eastern Shore of MD, for just a second. Nothing says "home" like the smell of Old Bay (even if it's on wings and not blue crabs!).

The bartender didn't even know what Old Bay was... and informed me that I'm the only person who has ever ordered their Old Bay wings. Why am I not surprised?

So, the wings were a hit.

The karaoke was also fun, fun, and more fun. I sang A LOT. At one point, later in the evening, we were the only people in the place... along with the bartender and Larry, the karaoke guy. So the four of us carried on and had a blast pretending to be superstars... drunken superstars at that.

Nick even grabbed the microphone for a few songs. And we danced and everything.

It's taken me most of the day to recover from our fun night out. My head was pounding for hours... I sent Nick a text message around noon, asking him to please come home and shoot me. And I'm fairly certain Grandma won't be anxious to sit with the kids again anytime soon because we didn't make it home until after 1am (and she had to work this morning, oops!).

But, all in all, we had a fabulous night out. And I'm reallllly looking forward to bedtime tonight (I'm thinking 7pm sounds like a good time for lights out!).


Carrie Hewitt said...

Glad you two had a fun time. Wish Tim and I were there to join in.....

Tammi said...

Glad you had a nice time. I don't have the nerve to do karaoke (spelling????). I sing awful and don't want to torture other people - lol.
