Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Caving Under "Carnival" Pressure!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I've never done this before, so bear with me and please forgive me if I totally goof it up...

It's time for the Bloggy Giveways Carnival, which is something that I just recently discovered (I'm always a little behind on cool things like this, in case you haven't noticed). Anyway, it's pretty neat. You go to this site and you'll find a huge (and getting huger) list of participants (ie, people who are giving away random things... just because). So, if you see something you like, you go to their blog and read about their giveway and their requirements (most of the time it's just leaving a comment on their post). Then you play along and wait anxiously until the end of the Carnival to see if you won anything! (It's like Christmas, huh??)

So, I've been compulsively refreshing the Bloggy Giveaway list for the past 2 days... and I've visited lots of cool blogs that I never would've found before... and I've left more comments than I can count. And it's been fun.

But I've been feeling guilty for not participating on the other end and giving something away. So, here I am... posting a giveaway.

And, finally, this is what you can win from me if you're interested:

A book of stamps.

That's it. A book of stamps from the U.S. Postal Service (although, I might throw in a mystery "bonus" item before it's all said and done... you just never know).

Why a book of stamps? Well, because I'm one of those people who NEVER has a stamp when she needs one (certainly never one reflecting the current postage rate, since that changes every time I turn around!). And I have to make a trip to my local post office tomorrow anyway. So, I thought I'd offer something nice and practical (and I haven't seen anyone else offer it... yet. See, I'm trying to be "original") that anyone in America might be able to use.

So, all you have to do to be entered is leave me a comment here, on this post. If you have a blog, make sure your e-mail address is in your profile so I can find it... if you don't have a blog, make sure you leave your e-mail address in the comment, so I can find you after the drawing.

If you want two entries, take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with my blog and leave me a suggestion for a fun, creative, clever blog title. I've been posting here for almost three years and still have no blog title. That's sad.

Oh, I'll pick a random winner this Friday, August 1st... sometime after I've had my first cup of coffee.

Ready, set, go (and go check out the rest of the Carnival while you're at it)!


Anonymous said...

YEAH, Erin! Glad we got you to cave to the peer pressure. I'd love to have a book of stamps!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Come check out my giveaway, too:

brandy said...

could always use stamps, the nearest post office is like 2 miles away

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I always need stamps! Awesome giveaway. Thanks!!

Toiling Ant said...

Heh, I've nearly used up our stamp stash, and I *hate* to go to the PO, so sure, add me to your drawing! Thanks!

The Beauty Bug said...

A book of stamps is a very useful giveaway. It really grabbed my attention of the carnival list. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Me too! Always could use stamps! Thanks!

Dave said...

Maybe if I win stamps I will be motivated to get some birthday cards out the door.

Anonymous said...

You are right - there are never any stamps when you need them. You did a good job with your Carnival post. Have fun with it!
my email address - blog (dot) sandists (at) gmail (dot) com

Emily Suzann said...

Maybe if I win some stamps I will send you some more pictures of Clarabelle! lol

Anonymous said...

I never have stamps, either!


SmilingSally said...

Now, that's a practical item to offer! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I could use stamps.....

Anonymous said...

I really need some stamps...cool giveaway!

meliss said...

Yay!!! Stamps are awesome! Great idea, Erin! :)

eetomost said...

I need some stamps! In fact, I have to mail my paycheck to the bank every 2 weeks, so those stamps would come in very handy:) We moved from Florida To North Carolina and there aren't any Navy Federal Banks around here:(

Thanks for the give away!!

leigh NC

Beth said...

Great giveaway idea, thanks for the chance to enter!

Dollymama said...

I can always use stamps! Great giveaway. Thanks!

Come on over to my blog. I've got four giveaways going this week.

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Love your giveaway! Please enter me to win. :)

ali said...

that's fun. thanks! very unique. i loved your post about not wanting to be a mom anymore. that's so true. i hope he's better today

Chris said...

Are family members eligible? *wink*

I'm commenting 'cause I think it's a cool idea, but I'm not really entering the contest...I've still got half a roll of 41 cent stamps!

This is a cool idea....

ErinRagan said...

Of course my favorite mother-in-law is eligible! Oh, and you're entered, too... whether you like it or not.

Hey, looks like I'm now entered in my own drawing, too. Groovy! ;)

buzzd said...

I always needs stamps so this is great. Thanks!

Awesome Mom said...

I could use a book of stamps, we are almost out and it would save me a trip to the post office with my kids. I would rather poke my eyes out with a hot metal rod than take my kids to the post office. In fact if I end up going to hell it will probably be me in the post office with my kids for eternity.

Taylor said...

wow, that is really unique - and awesome!

thanks for offering it, because i really NEED stamps! :)

please count me in.


Reiza said...

Now this is a useful giveaway. Thanks so much.

Julie Donahue said...

Oh...I always need stamps.

Dawn said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I actually need a book of stamps. Sign me up! :-)

CrystalGB said...

Great practical prize. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

I can always use stamps. My girls love to write letters .

Aliogator said...

I do a lot of snail mail, so this would come in handy! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Marla Taviano said...

I'd love some stamps!! Thanks!

EB said...

I always run out of stamps too!


Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I am the most "stingy" when it comes to stamps! I hate to buy them because it feels like a waste of money.
You could use the title of one of your posts..Calgon, take me away as your name for your blog.

Staci said...

What a GREAT gift! Who can't use stamps!! Love it!

Check out my giveaway:

Ames said...

I just ran out of stamps - PERFECT giveaway :) Thanks!

torinem said...

LOL! This is a great giveaway! I never have a stamp when I need one!

Pate Family said...

Oh I would love a book of stamps- I hate going to the po!

Angela said...

Stamps are great. Thanks.

Jen said...

I so want these -- because I NEVER have a stamp when I need it

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! Who can't use stamps?!?! Love it!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

i'm always out! such a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Stamps are great!! Sorry I don't have a creative suggestion for a title. My brain doesn't seem to work that way, but I hope you get some good ideas.
kvicker at hotmail dot com

LadySnow said...

This is so nice. Everyone needs stamps. :D

Anonymous said...

i never have stamps!


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I like practical things and who doesn't need stamps? I always seem to be on my last one. Thanks!
dsmoore1 at centurytel dot net

Carrie Hewitt said...

Tell me Erin, will you simply draw a name and then mail the person their stamps? Im curious about how all this works...maybe when I get some time I will check out that website...

ErinRagan said...

Carrie, I think most people doing the giveaway are using the random generator at random.org to draw their winners.

Thanks to my friend Melissa, I think I've figured out how it works, lol.

So, yeah, kinda. I'll get random.org to draw a random number (then I guess I'll have to COUNT, darn it, to find the commenter that corresponds!)... and then I'll get in touch with the winner via email and get their mailing addy so I know where to send the stamps!

You should definitely check out the Giveaway main site. I think you'd like it! ;)

Estelle said...

Yay stamps!Now that's something everyone could use! Sorry I don't have any ideas for a title. I'm just not that creative. Thanks for the great giveaway!

DealFinder said...

Oh, a book of stamps is a great prize! Please enter me!

Kristin said...

Now that's a practical (and fun) giveaway!

Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

Joy said...

Okay I'm out of stamps and I need them! NO JOKE!!! I giggled when I saw your giveaway and thought, "This is totally something I'd do!"

Anonymous said...

Stamps are always needed. Thanks

bethany said...

I'd love a book of stamps-esp. since I will be sending out baby announcements soon!! Thanks!

Renee G said...

I can always use stamps.

rsgrandinetti @ yahoo.com

Jessica Snell said...

That's a great prize! Especially as my eldest has acquired a penpal.

Debbie said...

I think a book of stamps is a great prize. But why, for the love of all that is sacred, can they not just print the price on the stamp? I am forever wondering what on earth I own.

Anonymous said...

this sounds awesome, much better then being sent down to the post office whenever someone needs a stamp! thanks!
sadiekate2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stephanie said...

always in search of a stamp!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Katrina said...

I would love to win this! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I really need to win this one. Thanks for the chance and this is really a great giveaway idea.


Marlene McGarrity said...

I love when giveaways are really useful. I love having extra stamps - its so empowering. I always run out when I need to send bills out.

Sarah said...

I ever have stamps either...maybe that's why our bills are always late (oops).

Sarah said...

I noticed that no one else did a second entry yet giving you a blog title. I'm not the most creative person ever, and these might be taken, but here are some ideas:
"Choose Your Own Adventure: Mama Edition" (lame, I know...sorry)
"I Changed My Mind" (I like that post. I have an almost 2-year-old, and I can tell we will have moments like that someday).

michelle said...

I am all for practicality. I am also one of those people who struggles with having a stamp when I need one.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Fedora said...

Very clever giveaway! Thanks for the drawing, and have a great week!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Amber said...

Stamps are always useful! Thanks!

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'm obviously living under a rock and haven't heard of this!

I'm not a mom. But your story down below made me wish for that feeling. Well told~!

diane d said...

What a great idea! I would love to win this. Thanks for such a great giveaway! :)

Betsy said...

I am the same way...never have a stamp when I need one.

Marly said...

Erin, that's brilliant! And I need stamps!

groovyteach said...

wow, great giveaway idea. check out mine too at


Sandra said...

What a great idea! I would love to be entered.

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Julie said...

I think many people have your "stamp problem"! including me! I've recently discovered the forever stamp! No need for those dumb penny stamps now!

She Became a Butterfly said...

i could SO use this book of stamps. i'm a chemo angel to a woman that lives in ca.


Lisa said...

Who could not use stamps, it would be a perfect insentive to send a card to someone you havent tallked to in awhile.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.

~ Psalm 51:10, NLT

Anonymous said...

We could all use a book of stamps. Thanks for the giveaway.

mommy-2-3 said...

Hey since I've joined swap-bot I never have enough stamps for sending out my swaps..I could really use them. Thanks for joining in!

Misty said...

Honestly, this is one of the most creative giveaways yet... It's practical, expensive (in the long run of things) and thoughtful. I love it! :)

If you get a chance, come enter my giveaway:

Angie(quillysilly) said...

This is a great item since you are looking at someone who never has stamps!

Here are some name ideas:

Because I said so...
This Crazy Ride..
Welcome to my world..
A steaming cup of ...

Hope these help!

Wade's World said...

I can always use some stamps!!

Wehaf said...

Everyone needs stamps! Thanks.

urchiken at gmail dot com.

P.S. How about "Why a squirrel?" as a blog title. I know, it makes no sense, but it is fun.

Anonymous said...

I could always use a few extra stamps around here...never can find one when I need it! Thanks for the chance.

dkkwhcs at yahoo dot com

JS said...

Stamps are always good to have! it gies me a good excuse to send more letters..
Thanks for participating in Bloggy Giveaways!

mulltc said...

Sorry no title suggestions - I love the stamp idea though - thanks!

sphinx63 said...

I think a book of stamps is a great giveaway! Thank you!

Unknown said...

What a great idea! In fact, I need stamps right now to mail a couple of letters but instead of going to the post office I'm sitting here reading blogs! Thanks for the chance to win!

proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

YES! I have a stack of things to mail right now, and can't get to the post office until Friday. So this would be a GREAT contest to win!!

Anonymous said...

You could always call it "Titular Excellence." :P

kamewh said...

Who can't use a book of stamps? Thank you for the very useful giveaway!

Trish said...

I am always in need of stamps! very practical giveaway! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com

FaithfulMommy said...

Everyone could use a book of stamps. I was just reading your post below about I've changed my mind. Motherhood can be difficult, but it sounds like you are doing a great job. My oldest has a hard time being comforted lately. Thanks for the giveaway.

Michelle said...

what a neat idea for a giveaway!

Tammy said...

Stamps are always useful -- From reading your blog I assume your family consists of You, your husband, And two children so how about -- Within the Space of Four Heartbeats -- for a blog name? Or change that to two if you just want it for your kids -- or up it if you have more kids and I somehow managed to miss that..

Anonymous said...

I'd love a book of stamps! Please enter me! Thanks.

Grampy said...

Stamp our giveaways. . . blog...blog...blog!

Grampy said...

I meant, of course, stamp OUT! (Is their and edetor in the huose?_

Grampy said...

This is just to make me the 100th comment -- and THREE chances to WIN!

Charity S said...

Stamps...are something I could really use.


email in profile

Claire Roach said...

I can never find a stamp, either. :) Here's an idea for a blog title: The Edge of Erin. Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

Lona said...

Very practical! Thanks for hosting this giveaway...

sweetsue said...

A book of stamps is a great prize! I am always running out of stamps, and when I finally remember to get them the neighbors or one of my kids need them.

Kristofer said...

what a cute giveaway . . . i always need stamps!

thanks, kristen


Suzie Williams said...

I always need stamps! Great and useful prize! I don't think I've seen stamps as a prize before and yet almost everybody uses them!

Someone Being Me said...

Who couldn't use a book of stamps? What a well thought out giveaway.

Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers*

Anonymous said...

I need a book of stamps!

rhondacason @ gmail . com

grammy said...

Muy hubby always hogs the stamps..I want my own. How about Clever Mama.

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Stamps are good. Thanks for having the giveaway!

Kathie B. said...

i don't think I have any stamps with the correct postage. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at www.mypreppypurse.blogspot.com

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

We always need stamps! Clever giveaway!

Kim said...

Okay....after looking through your blog I finally looked at your profile and saw your answer, that is if it's not already taken, how about naming your blog what you have down as your occupation? I think it fits!

Book of stamps is the greatest! I'm always looking around the house for some and then when I am at the post office I always forget to get those extras.

Love your blog by the way and have subscribed to your feed so that I can keep up with it.

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway that you are having!

Alyce said...

Thanks for entering me in the giveaway!

Ginny said...

I'm the same way, I NEVER have a stamp. I do all my ebay shipping through paypal & I do all my bill paying either in the store or online. Then when I need a stamp, I never have one, talk about a pain. Great prize!

mishmish said...

I'm always running out, Thanks

Shayna said...

Great idea Erin!


pierce said...

I spend too much every year on stamps... thank you Erin!

cstironkat said...

I can always use stamps. Thank you for the giveaway and for participating.

Anonymous said...

thanks, I can always use stamps

gthomas481 at aol.com

Anonymous said...

stamps are always in short supply here too : )

Thanks for caving to the Carnival pressures : )

Stephanie B


Anonymous said...

I'm always in need of stamps.

Anonymous said...

I can use this,I also never have stamps when needed

Anonymous said...

I always need stamps! monk5@charter.net

CanCan said...

Woohoo! Mama needs a new book of STAMPS!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I could sure use some stamps, takes me 15 min just to get to the post office! Thanks for the chance to win!

Karin said...

Can always use stamps! Great prize!

cl said...

I find myself never having stamps when I need them.

Tammy said...

Stamps are great, it seems like I go through a ton of them. Thanks for the contest.

Jodi said...

Stamps are a great idea. Thanks for hosting a give-a-way.


Anonymous said...

Stamps are always useful, and I never have any around when I really need them!


judybrittle said...

Wow thats a great prize. Funny I ran out of stamps last week and I don't drive so haven't felt like walking to the post office. I could really use some stamps. Thank you so much!

Sweetpeas said...

Great idea! I'm the same way.

Jennifer said...

What a useful prize. I would love to win a book of stamps.

Denice P- doozercries said...

How about "The Never Ending Rambles", or "Thoughts in Progress, please use Caution". I think it is hard to come up with titles too. :0

And I love stamps too. I buy the ones with the hearts on it. So girly but that's just me!

Kristy said...

Would love some stamps. I am sending out invitations to my daughter's 1st birthday soon and could definetly use them. ksieker(at)hotmail(dot)com

greenly said...

I never have stamps. I always forget about them until I need them, and then I just get mad. So it's a great giveaway for me.

Unknown said...

stamps are a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity

Unknown said...

I can use these stamps on all the cards & stationary I win! Thanks.

thundercloudgirl AT hotmail DOT com

frugallm said...

stamps are a good giveaway! You could always use them. Consider getting the forever stamps though so they are always good! Please enter me!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

shaunjoy said...

Stamps are a great giveaway! :) Thanks...


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! You can always use stamps.


Kristan said...

great idea! :)

Karen said...

Very creative and original! I would love it just because it would save me the hassle of getting in and out of our post office, that does NOT have the automated machines, with three kids in tow! Thanks;)

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

OH, stamps are great!! Thank you!

Kathleen said...

My mom gave my nephew and his new wife stamps as part of their wedding gift. She reasoned they were just married, just finished med school, just bought their first house... they could certainly use stamps! They said it was a wonderful and thoughtful gift, and honestly, I have to agree!

So thank you for a useful giveaway! :)

christene said...

Thats so cool, so I'm not the only one. I buy books and still can't find a stamp when I need one. So I always have to dig up what now 42 cents in change and walk in to buy a stamp.
cjinhb at msn dot com

Unknown said...

wow, this is a great gift, as i also always can't find a stamp when i need one. and i work from home!

Gretchen said...

This is a great prize for a card carrying pen pal addict. :)

silverhartgirl said...

What a great prize. everyone love stamps.

toohotforturtle said...

I am so with you on the stamps. Takes me 15 minutes to drive to our post office. YIKES!! Thanks for the contest

Robyn Wright of Robyn's Online World said...

Hey, what's wrong with Erin's Blog? I like it, simple and to the point.

Cute dog. We have cats, they poop a lot also.

Can always use stamps - we go through a lot of them at my house for some reason.

Jessica said...

thanks for the practical prize!!

Anonymous said...

Love your prize - I'm practical!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

sassy2 said...

It's amazing how many great blogs are out there.

Anonymous said...

Cool mom with kids and dog? THat's my suggestion even though it is kinda weird.

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Great giveaway--who doesn't need stamps? Come check out my giveaway!

Anonymous said...

how practical!

gotfire at yahoo dot com

Audra said...

What a useful prize- On another note- I really apreciated your last post- I have had a couple of days like that lately.. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea for a giveaway!

Richelle said...

Very practical giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Stamps? Cool! I can definitely always use stamps. :)

Carrie said...

I still love to write (and receive) hand written cards so I'm always using stamps. youthpastor(at)juno(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Yeah you can always use stamps!


Jennifer said...

I always need stamps, thanks for the great giveaway!


Geri said...

I would love the stamps, I buy them one at a time because who has the cash to buy a book when you may only need two??? I hope I win!

Liz said...

What a smart give away! Enter me, please.

1993wel said...

What a great practical giveaway! Enjoyed peeking at your blog, too.

AudreyO said...

With the rate of stamps going up all the time, this is a great prize. Thanks!

misty said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

HEY, I can always use stamps! This is neat!

Thanks for your generosity!

KJ - California

Molly C. said...

Stamps are a great prize! :) I've been having fun blog hopping. I agree, this is a perfect way to find new friends, blogs & products that I never would have found otherwise.

Jenny said...

Hope you haven't had your coffee yet cause I could surely use some stamps! I never seem to have any either. And then I find a book when cleaning out a drawer ... after about 5 postage rate increases so I have to go buy a bunch of 1-cent stamps. Anyway, thanks for the chance to win!