Having said that... Avery is enjoying a rare bubble bath right now (see how consistent I am in my parenting?? lol).
The poor child is having a rough day. She's been walking around the house whining and crying and just downright miserable. I think she finally realized that her friend Andi is gone (she went to Alabama to visit her grandfather, probably for the rest of the summer). Avery had gotten really used to playing with Andi every day... and now she doesn't know what to do with herself (and Mommy can only handle "imaginative play" for so long... usually about 30 seconds).
So, I couldn't take listening to Avery whine and cry anymore. Her whining isn't even logical. This was our conversation right before I threw her in the tub:
"I wanna go see my Papaw!!!" *cry, whine, cry*
"Avery, Papaw is in China. We can't go to China right now."
"Well, I wanna go back to Maryland and see my Grampy... then we'll be closer and we can go to China and see Papaw." *whine, whine, and more whine, and that obnoxious fake cry*
(Remember, Andi is visiting HER grandpa right now...)
"Ave, would you like to take a bath? A big BUBBLE bath? full of BUBBLES??"
One little UTI won't kill her, right?

I don't think she could get any cuter!
She is too cute! Oh and btw my ped. told me that the safest bubbles that she has found are those Johnson and Johnson's bedtime bath ones. The only way I can get Em to take a bath without screaming that a speck is floating in the water is by putting a little in everyday and so far we haven't had a problem.
AFAIK, I'm still the only inventor who has tested a foaming formula (US pat. 5,336,446, just expired) on individuals who've gotten urinary or genital irritation from soaps etc. And I'll put mine up against J&J's any time for density & persistence of foam. Inquire at robgood@bestweb.net .
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