Sunday, September 30, 2007

Heck yeah I'm a fun mom!

A few nights ago, I found myself absolutely buried under work (like TWO deadlines behind) with two sinks full of dirty dishes, a mountain of dirty laundry, carpet in desperate need of a vacuum, and two hungry children.

So, I was getting ready to fix dinner for the kids when Damon picked up an empty apple juice box from Save-A-Lot (where we buy juice in bulk every week) and said, "Hey! We could make a robot with this!!"

Indeed, we could.

Dinner prep was quickly forgotten and I sent the kids through the house searching high and low for any kind of cardboard box that we could use to build a robot. They were quite resourceful. Damon helped with the design, and I was the head engineer of this project (or, the person who fought and cussed the roll of packing tape!).

Dinner was an hour late that night. The dishes and Avery's bath were put on hold until the next morning. The laundry and work are STILL not done. But, for a few minutes that evening, my kids thought I was the coolest mom on the planet.

Meet Robie:


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!

Ellen said...

too cute! you should program robie to do the dishes

Anonymous said...

Who ever said you were't fun!?
I say sleep next to Robie at night and see if he lets you warm your feet up on him. If so, can I borrow when Nick gets back?

ErinRagan said...

Diane, you're scaring me. lol