Saturday, September 08, 2007

The First Week

I know I never came back with the update re: Damon's first day of school... but, well, I don't really have much to tell you about his first day (let alone his first week) of school, because the child doesn't communicate well.

I honestly don't have a clue how his first week was or what he does in school all day long. I feel as if I'm on that "need to know" program here, and apparently Damon doesn't think there's much that I need to know about his hours at school. Hmpf.

I do know that Damon thinks it's sinful that they can't go to Gym class all day, every day. I don't think he really understands the purpose of school yet... he gets upset when they spend time doing WORK in the classroom. Poor thing. It's going to be a long 12 years or more...

He also seems very disturbed that they no longer get a snack in the afternoon. It is TOUGH being a First Grader, I'm tellin' ya!

1 comment:

Alli said...

LOL! It will be a long road of education if he's already upset about having to WORK and not getting snacks! The transition to 1st is hard, especially if their kinder was 1/2 day.