We don't have those very often around here, so this is newsworthy (blogworthy? whatever).
Damon, Avery, and I began our day today by visiting Avery's new "school." School sounds so much nicer than "daycare," doesn't it? Maybe it makes me feel less guilty if I call it school... so we'll go with that... Avery's going to SCHOOL.
Anyway, we visited her school... met the teachers, took the tour, talked to the director, got all of the necessary papers, wrote a check to secure her spot, etc.
Avery LOVED "school." We were there for a little over an hour, and spent the majority of that time in what will be her classroom, with her classmates, her teacher, and her new toys... uh, I mean learning tools?!?! And, I literally had to DRAG Avery away when it was time to leave. So, yeah, I think she's going to love school and I don't think she'll mind when I drop her off on the first day and leave her there. She might mind when I come to pick her up that afternoon, though.
Avery's first day of SCHOOL is scheduled for September 12th. And, she'll be at school every Wednesday and Friday. Two full days with NO children at home... I seriously won't know what to do with myself. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to WORK while the children are gone. Right. Work.
So, after dragging Avery away from her school and promising that she'd be able to return soon, we took off for Gram's house. We all went to lunch with Gram. Had a nice visit with her, refueled, and moved on.
Next stop was Damon's school (really, it IS a school... see, no guilt! They MAKE me send him there every day!). After several minutes of searching, we found the first-grade pod and Miss Mears' classroom... and, Oh Happy Day! Damon's friend Ian is in his class again this year. NOW, Damon is suddenly excited about starting school next week. Thank goodness for Ian!
On Damon's desk was a little booklet of questions that Miss Mears wanted him to fill out while we were there. "Interviewing" a 6 year old is always interesting, to say the least.
Name? Damon (that was an easy one).
What do you hope to learn in first grade this year? Dear God. Damon immediately responded, "uhhhh, how about... NOTHING." Miss Mears finally got him to admit that he likes sharks, which she helpfully translated to Science. Love Miss Mears.
What is your favorite thing to do at home when you're not watching TV? I am cringing as Damon reads this question, because I KNOW what his answer is going to be... "Video games... my Playstation 2." Miss Mears noticed that I turned ten shades of red and assured me that this was OKAY (yeah right... give me the "Bad Mom" brand now and get it over with).
What is your favorite story book? Cat in the Hat (see, we DO read and do things other than play video games, really).
I found out when we got home later that Damon chose his answers to all of the questions based on words that he knew how to spell: Damon, shark, PS2, Cat, Hat. lol, I thought that was priceless.
So, the kids and I had a busy, productive day. Now they're both looking forward to starting school, which is a huge relief. And tomorrow, we're doing a whole lot of NOTHING... oh, except I'm going to teach Damon to spell "reading the encyclopedia" and "listening to Mozart."
....or Get Off the Pot
7 years ago
Erin, thanks for the update on pre-preschool/1st grade (or daycare/realschool). . . Sounds like all (ma incl.) are xitated at the prospect of booklearnin' . . . And, by the way, MY answers to Ms. Mears's queries are as follows: Ebby,find U.S. on map o' world, nap and How the Grinch Stole Xmas. Hi to DNA -- and the Nickster (with congrats. on CDL)!
Too funny! Hope the spelling lessons go well.
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