Unfortunately, we're having a pretty lazy day around the house today. It's hot as Hades outside, so the kids (and dogs) and I are just lazing around in our jammies, enjoying the cool air conditioning (and I'm feeling a little sorry for poor Nick, who is out working in the heat... just a little!).
So, here are some snapshots of an uber-exciting (and typical) day around our house!
First, Avery was really excited because she put one of her dresses on Bear. Suddenly, Avery has decided that Bear is actually a girl (she's been calling him a "he" for 3 years now, despite his pink color, lol). So, here is the new female version of Bear, and his... I mean, HER... proud Momma:

Next, Avery and Bear decided to sit on poor Comet:

Comet loves Avery... he really does, despite the annoyed look he seems to be giving her in this pic. But can you blame him? She just SAT on the poor creature. Comet is very tolerant, lol.

Damon (who desperately needs a haircut, YIKES!) is playing video games, but he did break his concentration long enough to smile for me, just once:

And, Lizzie... well, she's doing what she does best:

Great pictures!!
And narrative!
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