When Avery was born back in 2003, we were given the cutest ever little shirt at the hospital. I've kept this shirt tucked away in the top drawer of her dresser, as a memento.
I certainly never expected my chubby 3.5-yr-old daughter to WEAR it. And when she came out of her room the other day holding said shirt and told me she wanted to wear it, I informed her that it was a "baby shirt," for newborns, and there was no way it would fit her now.
She loves to prove me wrong.

So, now we have the pics. Better late than never.
I'm now convinced she's on steroids!
that is funny!!!!! cute photos!!!
that is too cute.
HAHAHA Nice pictures. I can't believe you got her in there.
Check out my blog. I wrote an entry just for you.
I didn't PUT her in there, Kelly... she did it all on her own! She's a little peculiar.
Yes Avery is talented. I can't even get Josie is 3 or 6 month stuff anymore. Love the pics.
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