Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Treat or Treat!

Yesterday was a busy, busy day for us... considering Avery and I haven't really left the house is about a week!

First we went to a Halloween/Birthday party for two of the little girls in our playgroup. The house was packed full of moms and little ones complete with costumes! It was so much fun to see all of the kids dressed up! My friend Melissa has the most awesome digital camera EVER, so she offered to set up a backdrop and takes professional-like pics of each kid. That was interesting, to say the least! I stood over Melissa's shoulder and took a zillion and one pics of my Princess Avery (I'll be sharing some of those later this week!). Fun was had by all, and I'm sure our hostess is still recovering!

Then, last night, the kids and I went trick-or-treating with Trish and her boys in our friend Jaime's neighborhood (since Trish and I live in the middle o' nowhere!).

Here are some pics:

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