Sunday, December 04, 2005

'Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Or grumpy, overwhelmed, depressed, exhausted, poor... pick your own adjective!

However, today, for the first time this Holiday Season, I'm feeling quite "jolly!" YAY!

I think it's because I took the kids out early this morning and went shopping! Always great therapy. First we stopped at Grandma's house to get all of her "leftover" Christmas decorations (enough to completely decorate three houses, I'm sure!). Then, we hit my favorite store of all time---the Dollar Store! There, we picked up a few more Christmas decorations, including a cool "Christmas Countdown" thingy that kept Damon entertained all afternoon. We were unable to come up with the star tree topper that he had visions of, though... but, never fear, WalMart really DOES have everything, folks! :)

This evening, I visited Wally World by myself (no kids for once! YAY!), and that was fabulous. I wandered around that store for HOURS, and got completely sucked in to their Christmas/seasonal department. My goodness... who knew there were so many different types of Christmas lights and ornaments and wreaths, etc.

And, the reason I know for sure that I'm finally feeling "jolly" is that when I came across the "24/7 Christmas Carols" radio station today, I didn't moan and groan and change it as quickly as possible (like I've been doing for the past two weeks). Instead, I actually turned the volume up and sang along. Many of the songs took me back in time to my high school chorus days, which I loved. I've decided that "Peace on Earth" is my all-time favorite Christmas carol (just in case anyone cares), and today I sang along with Vince Gill's rendition of it more than once.

And, one more thing... last but certainly not least is the fact that we are anticipating our first Winter Storm (SNOW!!) here on Delmarva tomorrow!! Inches (yes that's multiple) of it. WOW. It's been a banner day around here, I tell ya.

So, on that note, "Let there be peace on earth" and "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

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